Businesses in Downtown Brantford
While the advantages of the BIA membership are vast and varied, here are a few additional benefits to give you a glimpse of the possibilities that await. Whether you want to move your business to downtown, open a new business, or just need some support, the BIA can help.

Why Become a Downtown Business?
The Downtown BIA offers a great amount of support to our member businesses in a variety of ways including promotion in both direct and indirect ways.
We create various promotions and marketing materials that lead people to your business. From print ads, our website, directors, ad campaigns to blog posts, videos, social media and more, the Downtown BIA keeps the community informed of the great businesses downtown.
The BIA actively supports events that take place in Downtown Brantford. Businesses have the opportunity to be included in events, maximizing their exposure. Whether you choose to sponsor gifts or prizes, or participate directly in an event, you will have many opportunities to get your name out to the community. The events benefit all businesses downtown, regardless of participation. Brining traffic and culture to the downtown core allows more people to consider shopping, dining and entertainment in Downtown Brantford.
With an interest in downtown revitalization and beautification, the BIA is always working to create spaces that people can enjoy and congregate in. Through improvement of public spaces with the help of streetscaping, decorating, and repurposing older buildings, Downtown Brantford has become a desirable place to visit!
Become a Downtown Business
There really is no better time than now to move downtown! Residential and commercial interest is rapidly growing in Downtown Brantford. There are many great spaces to call home or set up shop. Below, you will find links to all the listings and information regarding downtown space availability. The right space is waiting for you!
Advantage Brantford:
Opening a New Downtown Business
With resident and student populations on the rise, there has never been a better time to locate your business in Downtown Brantford. There are a number of community organizations and grant opportunities available to help you start a thriving business downtown.
If you need further information, please call or email Annette Wawzonek.
Phone: 519-753-6644
Additional Information
Enterprise Brant
10-330 West Street
Brantford,ON N3R 7V5
(516) 762-4636
Enterprise Brant provides financial and consulting services to local businesses with a goal of creating jobs in Brantford and the County of Brant.
Our services include:
- Loans for Businesses.
- Business Plan Creator.
- Community Development.
- Business Seminar Series.
Enterprise Brant administers a loan portfolio to assist new or existing businesses with start-up, expansion or stabilization plans. Repayable, flexible financing of up to $250,000 is available. To apply you will need a business plan. We can help! We have approved over 15 million in loans to 593 businesses in Brantford and Brant County
Visit the Enterprise Brant website for more information.
Chamber of Commerce
77 Charlotte Street
Brantford, ON N3T 2W8
(519) 753-2617
As Canada’s largest and most influential business association, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce is the primary and vital connection between business and the federal government. It continually demonstrates impact on public policy and decision-making to the benefit of businesses, communities and families across Canada.
Experience the power of a network of over 300 chambers of commerce and boards of trade, representing 175,000 businesses of all sizes in all sectors of the economy and in all regions.
Visit the Chamber of Commerce website for more information.
Brantford-Brant Business Resource Enterprise Centre
58 Dalhousie Street,
Brantford, ON N3T 2J2
Phone: (519) 756-4269
Fax: (519) 756-6449
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm
The Brantford-Brant Business Resource Enterprise Centre is part of a network of offices through the Ministry of Economic Development & Trade that serve Ontario’s small business community. We are here to help your business succeed, whether you are just getting started or looking to expand your current operations.
We provide information, resources and professional consultations on all aspects of your business needs. If you need an opinion on your… business concept; help with your business/marketing or financing plan; market research; registering your business; or government programs and regulations… contact the Brantford-Brant Business Resource Enterprise Centre.
Visit the BRC website for more information.
Contact Us Today!